Friday, 22 May 2009

Finally Going Home!!!!

Yeah this is a great day. I am finally going home!!! I've been in the Sydney Kids Hosptial for three weeks, without seeing my friends but mostly my brothers!! (because my dad came down to Sydney the day it happened). I was flying with Qantas and I needed two seats. At 8:00 mum and dad told me to go and wait in the play room because there was a suprise for me. So I waited and waited..... Finally I heard all of the nurses coming and they brought in the bestest cake I had ever seen, it was brilliant!!! (photo attached)

Sunday, 17 May 2009

My Nurses

When I was in Sydney I had really nice nurses looking after me. This is one of the nurses called Joel - he was really kind.

This is my physio Margaret. She taught mum how to do my bandages and helped me to walk on my crutches.

Monday, 11 May 2009

The Visit from the Australian Ballet!! 11/05/09

On the night of the accident Mum and I were meant to be going to watch the Nutcraker Story of Clara. There was a lady that helped mum and I when I just got hit and she works in the Opera house and she found out that we were going that night, so she asked two of the Australian ballet people to come see me. So I was very happy!!!! Their names were Alice Topp and Paul Knobloch and they gave me some pointe shoes and a big poster that everyone in the whole company signed just for me. (I was very Lucky).
Thank you to the kind lady at Direct Framing, Strathpine, for framing it and making it look so lovely.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

My Amputation Surgery 06/05/09

I don't remember much about this day but that my Aunty Lisa arrived. Mum and I were shocked, and I remember mum in the funny pink shower hat. I can't remember much because I was asleep alot of the day.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

The accident 01/05/09

On Friday Mum and I woke up we went down to the dining room of the hotel for the buffet breakfast. After mum and I were walking down the road and the bus came around the corner and I was very unlucky that it hurt me. So the ambulace rushed me to the hosptial and I went in for surgery, and I was in there for 6 hours. (VERY UNLUCKY!!!)

Friday, 1 May 2009

Our trip to Sydney 30/04/09

On Thursday mum and I left to have a girlie weekend in Sydney. It was an hour trip on the plane from Brisbane to Sydney. When we got to Sydney we got to the airport and we had to catch a train to our hotel. We checked in and went up to our room and then we went back out again and to the harbor bridge and the opera house. Next mum and I caught the bus to the shops, but it was pouring down with rain and it was freezing cold!!! When mum and I caught the bus back to the hotel we were waiting there for ages and ages , but finially got on the bus. When we got back to the hotel we got ready to go out for dinner with Amy, Dave, Marian, Malcolm and little baby oliver. We ended up eating at this pizza place. When we were walking back to the hotel we had a little walk around, and got an ice-cream. Then Marian and Malcolm came back to the hotel with us. It was getting later and later then they went home and me and mum went straight to bed!!!! (It was a great day)