Tuesday, 18 August 2009

1st walking lesson

Yeah finally got to learn how to walk now I can practise walking at home. It was sooooooooooo good no red bits or blisters. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to thank Andy for making my leg look so cool. I picked the pattern myself and he's put it on my leg for me.

thanks soooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. its very bright and happy which reflects your beautiful personality! Keep practicing so you can fill that spot in contemp!

  2. What a brilliant design for a leg, you'll be the envy of all! We couldn't be more thrilled that you are doing so well, happy walking Kelly. Fantastic Blog too.
    Love and hugs from your extended family over here in Pommie Land.
    Marion and Malcolm

  3. Hi Kelly,

    I agree with Malcolm, great design, I am sorry i missed u at church on Sunday, hope fully I will see you soon, my prayers are with you...Fabian

  4. i love your new leg too!!!!!
    love you kels
    auntie jo. xx

  5. that sucks that you had to go through that. im missing two and some fingers. life sucks sometimes but you always have to make the best out of it
